歐盟通過PNG及斐濟臨時經濟夥伴協定歐盟議會通過歐盟委員會與巴布亞新幾內亞(PNG)及斐濟的臨時經濟夥伴協定。議會聲明仍會持續關注該協定通過後有否助於凝聚區域向心力及整合太平洋區域經濟。無約束力的決當鋪議不只讓PNG及斐濟達成協議,也突顯歐盟與兩國最主要最親近的貿易夥伴:澳洲、紐西蘭間的貿易關係,影響層面擴及漁業、製罐業及加工業。由於PNG要求不受原產地國限制,議員也極為關切來自菲律賓、泰國、中國賣房子、美國及澳洲等國家,將該國成為加工鮪罐中心。因應特殊關稅情況簽訂的非正式協議有利於PNG鮪漁業的發展,而不受原產地規則限制可任意使用鮪原料魚(IUU漁船例外)的加工業下游廠商則成為最大受惠者。(摘譯租房子自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 2/2011)Papua New Guinea: The European Union Parliament has given the go-ahead for the EU Council to conclude an InterimEconomic Partnership Agreement with Papua 西裝New Guinea and Fiji. In a statement, the Parliament said it is neverthelessconcerned about the impact that the agreement would have on what it calls regional solidarity and economic 租辦公室integration inthe Pacific Region. A non-binding resolution highlights the consequence of the agreement for Papua New Guinea and Fijiin terms of trade relations with the two countries’ 信用卡代償closest and largest trading partners, Australia and New Zealand, andalso for the fishing, canning and processing industries. The parliamentarians are also concerned about Papua NewGuinea’s 小型辦公室decision to derogate from the rules of origin for processed fishery products, which has turned that country into ahub for processing canned tuna from countries like the Philippines, Thailand, 農地貸款China, the US and Australia. This specialduty status arrangement will provide an important incentive to Papua New Guinea’s tuna industry, particularly fordownstream processing activity as it 烤肉食材can use tuna raw material regardless of the country of origin, except tuna from IUUvessels.
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